TagCloud App Reviews

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Great App...

1st of all thanks for this great piece of SW! Im using this extensively in my daily work. I do have 2 suggestions: 1) possibility of modifying the already saved TagCloud words coming from a website by adding and removing words 2) individually verätze own Tag Cloud schemes ( Background Color, Font, Font Color)

very nice designed and easy to use, BUT...

... It doesnt take numbers, so you are unable to write anything like "just4you" for example. Also it would be nice to be able to change the background color, font color, font direction. And a PDF export would be superb!

Good app, needs a few tweaks for 5 stars

This is the best app for this that I have see so far, but to make it a 5 star app it needs to allow you to choose your colours and your text font. Id also like to see more vertical and diagonal font layouts. Other than that, this app is worth the .99 charged for it. Beautiful!

Good start

Nice app Exchange with other word generator apps and PC apps would be nice. Thanks

Love it!

Great app, would give it five stars if you were able to choose the shape of the cloud or ply around with colours and fonts.

Missing Twitter and Facebook integration

Thank you for this creative and great idea. However I gave 3 stars because Id have expected it to be fully integrated with Twitter and Facebook. I will gladly give 5 stars when Im able to create a TagCloud with, say, my last 1000 tweets, with my favourite ones, or with my Facebook timeline.

Excellent word cloud app! Teachers will love to share this with students

I downloaded 3 word cloud apps and this is the only one that works and is fun to use. It generates word clouds quickly and has several styles to choose from. I just learned about word clouds today and I think they will be very useful for teachers to share with students. This app is the only one that I found for the iPad that works well. Bravo!


Its great but lacks a lot of features that would allow you to customize more.

Does not support Non European languages

This app can generate visually interesting word clouds, but it is impossible unfortunately to type text in non European languages like Arabic or Chinese or Japanese... I hope that future updates will fix this issue.

It only shows up in a box form

Whenever I make a cloud with custom text, its all jumbled and not in the form the tile options represent. Also, some of my words are cut off by this weird border that does not allow the whole picture to be seen.

Fun, but

Really fun, but little (if any) control over placement of words or which words are excluded when there are many. Look forward to mire user control,

Nothing has been changed

by Theophilus I wrote the review below 3 monts ago.nothing has changed till now. No innovative upgrades, nor any real improvement of the app. Sorry for that but it should be 1 less star! But It seems something got stuck and can not chage the number of stars. For now just 3. When I bought it I accepted the risk it might not be good at all. Well, it turned out that it is quite an impresive app. It creates word clouds from your own text written or pasted, as well as from a url. The result is quite good. It is based on a number of templates. You can choose one of them, but it is always a template. The artistic appearence of words while forming the word cloud is awesome. Two things I miss. 1. More templates, included square, cross, triangle, star. Till now it only has circles. They are ok., but more would be better, even in the circle templates. 2. More flexibility. Okey with the templates or whatever, but one should have the option to exclude common words. It is not good that obvious common words repetead in a text or web page get the larger size words. With both corrections I would give this app not 5 but even 6 stars if it were possible. So keep on with the great work and go ahead.


Easy to use with a lot of choice

Good word clouds

Love being able to make word clouds in the ipad. Would like the ability to control which words to exclude. Provides beautiful layout options.

Excellent Word Cloud App

Very easy to use with support for text and web pages. Even allows other languages. Great app for business!

Cool app, great potential

This is a fun app, but needs some work. One simple thing I noticed the first time I used it is that the word grouping function does not work. I tried all the recommended symbols to group words so they would not be split, but it didnt work. I would like more options, variety, then I will really like it.

Excellent return on investment!

Powerful tools to help see ideas. I was happily surprised how much I could do and so much more customizable than even the best web-based word cloud makers. Exactly what I needed.

New Feature

Nice app, would be great if colors of font and background could be changed independently.

Great APP

Use this professionally and for grandkids to make word puzzles (spelled their names backwards, etc) they had great fun sorting it out. It is excellent way to visually communicate highly complex concepts while noting their valence.

Fun App, Attractive, Useful Results

This app is easy to use & produces nice results from website text, csv files or custom text. Output is nice for when you need a graphic to add color to a page quickly with a relevant graphic. It has a good variety of text & color styles to choose from. Would be 5 stars if you could configure cloud in squares, rectangles, etc and not just circles.

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