by Theophilus
I wrote the review below 3 monts ago.nothing has changed till now. No innovative upgrades, nor any real improvement of the app. Sorry for that but it should be 1 less star! But It seems something got stuck and can not chage the number of stars. For now just 3.
When I bought it I accepted the risk it might not be good at all. Well, it turned out that it is quite an impresive app. It creates word clouds from your own text written or pasted, as well as from a url. The result is quite good. It is based on a number of templates. You can choose one of them, but it is always a template. The artistic appearence of words while forming the word cloud is awesome.
Two things I miss. 1. More templates, included square, cross, triangle, star. Till now it only has circles. They are ok., but more would be better, even in the circle templates. 2. More flexibility. Okey with the templates or whatever, but one should have the option to exclude common words. It is not good that obvious common words repetead in a text or web page get the larger size words. With both corrections I would give this app not 5 but even 6 stars if it were possible. So keep on with the great work and go ahead.